If you still think anyone cares about the bins of photos you’ve been saving since your parents saddled you with those same bins 40, 50, 60 years ago, trust me when I say, no one cares and no one will take the time to go through them when you’re dead and gone. If you don’t believe me, ask your kids. Photo organization made easy.
Organizing photos shouldn’t be as difficult as most people make it out to be, especially if you keep the following tips in mind:
- Today is the day to toss out ALL old negatives, duplicate photos, undeveloped throwaway cameras, old film canisters and undeveloped 35mm film.
- Over-sized photos (i.e.: 8×10’s and poster-sized photos) are hard to store and no one wants them anyway. Throw them away! Today!
- Photos of ex-husbands, ex-wives, old boyfriends and old girlfriends and ex- in-laws you never liked in the first place should be disposed of immediately. Don’t hold back! If you suffered through a bad relationship, go ahead and cram those photos into the shredder.
- There’s absolutely no reason in the world you should be holding onto photos of people you don’t know or don’t like.
- I don’t care if everyone else looks good; if you’re not having a good hair day, get rid of the evidence!
Finally, why not take the time, while you still can, to sit down with your kids, grandkids and great grandkids to actually talk about the photos that mean the most to you? Photo organization made easy.https://professionalorganizerflorida.com/moving-hacks-successful-household-move/
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